Better late than never?

Well it may have taken me over three months but here is the wrap up on 2017 Year End Awards and NEDA Fall!


I am so proud of how my baby girl Rubilee did at the breed show at NEDA- she scored 81% and was able to secure her title of NEDA Breeder’s Futurity for a second year in a row, in addition to being Reserve Champion in the USDF Breeder Championship Filly Final! 


Lara and Duke did a spectacular job and was Regional Reserve Champion at Fourth Level with a 67.4% AND at PSG with a 63.7%!


Knight was his perfect squirrel self, and we had to excuse ourselves from our I1 Championship ride because of his Knight-splosions, but it comes with the territory and I love him more than ever.


The NEDA year end awards banquet was so much fun! Lara did spectacular, winning Champion for year end awards not only at Fourth Level with a 67.4%, but also at PSG with a 63.7%! Meredith Long was unable to make it, but we are all so proud of this new Silver Medalist, and for winning awards at four different levels! Rubilee also came in third place for 3 year old Fillies with a 78.4%.

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We are all so proud of both Meredith Long and Lara Erdogus-Brady for earning their  USDF Silver Medals this season!

Rubi as a cover girl!.jpg

The other exciting news is that Rubilee made the cover of the NEDA's Tip of the Hat! So proud of this amazing young girl, and so happy with how she is progressing under saddle.